"Web Green" Program

This internet website mobilizes people to regenerate biodiversity and help threatened forest populations by helping plant 10 trees per month in Cameroun.


Planting trees and improving the development of fair trade in the primary forests.

We are aware of only 2 to 3% of our planet’s life forms. A Brazilian pharmacologist scientist specializing in primary forests affirms that more than 1500 plants holding anti-cancerous virtues exist in the forests but only 10% of them may be studied because of destruction and lack of funds. This world patrimony is perishing without ever being studied with all of its rich biodiversity – it is a bit as if we would feed a fire with unique manuscripts of an endless value. If we don’t do something, the last primitive Indians will be extinct forever in 30 years. If we mathematically continue today’s rhythm of destruction, the children born today will witness the vanishing of most of Occidental Africa, Central America and South-Eastern Asia’s primary forests.



Cameroun Forest Heart Project 2008-2010

Start date of the project: 2008

Objective: Build an alternative economical device to the deforestation of Maobi – a sacred tree to the Baka pygmies of Cameroun.

The project focuses on two principal axes :

  1. Creating a cooperative to valorize Maobi’s butter. 
  2. Putting together a device for planting trees in order to repopulate the region & the nearby concerned communities (plantation of 20 000 trees during the first 3 years).

Beneficiaries:  50 Bakas & Bantoues communities of south east Cameroun.

Stakes: Stop the deforestation of the region by valorizing the forest products – in a fair trade manner.

Where are we at May 1st 2008:
A first trip to build the foundations of the project was made in April 2007. The objectives of the trip were as follow:

  • Recruit the operational team (2 person in charge of the Forest Heart mission)
  • Meet the 4 beneficiary communities (in the long term 50 communities)
  • Establish the stakes and problems of the project
  • Establish a budget
  • Create institutional partnerships

The primary objectives to follow are:

  • Find financial partners
  • Implement the first objectives of our activities chronogram (attached the complete document in french)
  • Recruit an ambassador in France to advertise the project. Possible candidature : Yannick NOAH 

Official website of the Forest Heart organization


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